Hey unicorns,
So I've really been feeling like shit lately , and I just want to let out everything like just scream and smash things like crazy . So sick and tired of bottling up my feelings already. Like why do I even deserve this really. I have changed so much from a totally worthless student to what I am right now ,but why can't you just appreciate me more? Why can't you just understand me a little more and care for me?
What's the use of achieving great results when nobody honestly give a fuck? Would you care? No. So what if I manage to get great O levels result next year? Would you care if I get into ITE, Poly or even JC? Hah I don't think so.
Really don't feel like giving a fuck anymore, why do I care? Why do I hurt my health and stay up all night just to study? Nobody care and Im done being the one getting hurt at the end. So FUCK YOU, YES YOU MOTHERFUCKER PIECE OF SHIT WORTHLESS CUNT THAT DON'T DESERVE MY TEARS AND HARDWORK. (sorry for being so mean and bitchy but PHEW that feels so good) I swear if The Purge is legalize in singapore, I would have stab you 27 times and throw your body into a zombie apocalypes but even the zombie would reject your body because they only eat brains and apparently you do not have one.
Feels so good after blogging like this I swear omg I'm going to start doing this often hahahahahha anyways done for being sad I mean being sad when Christmas is around the corner is illegal ok! ILLEGAL. but anyways I feel so fucking much better now and im just ranting and no one probably reads or give a fuck but whatever.
Anyway this quote is really meaningful for me ,and it says alot. 5 simple words literally summarized my entire idea for solitude . Just remember being alone is far better than being with a bunch of ungrateful and worthless fuckers .

follow me
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Fated with blood
Hey dudes and dudettes
So after an emotional and retarded blogpost I decided to blog about someone who is close to me, who has been there ever since I was born and put up with me all these years. Nope its not my parents but they are definitely considered my family, they are my friends with blood relationship - My cousins. Well ofcourse there's 2 sides of couzins , the father side and mother side, and I'm talking about my mother's side cousins so please don't get mixed up ❤
Since my mum has a lot of siblings, I had A LOT of cousins, but these are the one who are super close to me. 9 of them Jocelyn, Hui Qing, Zhi Xiang, Zhi Kai,Florence, Valerie, Bai Lin, Bai Wen, Bai Chen (phew that was long) were my closest buds buds ever since I was small and tiny. We would play together all day long and those were really the happiest time in my life where I did not have to worry about any shit at all, also I was really spoilt when I was young so they really put up with me alot. The closest I am with is definitely Hui Qing simply because we were the same age and we do everything together which also is bad because we were always competing against each other to see who did better and stuff. Also I always fight with her therefore we were always covered in bruises and marks. Ofcourse time flies and everything change Jocelyn has to study hard for university,Florence and Valerie (sisters) are both working as nurse, Hui Qing studying at another school, Zhi Xiang and Zhi Kai studying ,and very sadly Bai Lin Bai Wen and Bai Chen has been very very distant from us because of reasons. And I'm just alone here struggling. To be honest, I really want those memories back, I want to go back to the days where I can play all day and not worry about anything. I'm childish I know and I am aware that it is impossible to go back to the past, everyone is growing up so quickly and here I am still trap in the memories . But I'm just really really lost about everything when everyone else are striving to reach their goals. Some are studying hard to achieve the certificate, some are working day to night to earn money for the family ,some are striving hard for better results. Then what about me? What am I going to do after O levels, after I graduate? Do I want to go ITE, Poly or even JC? What do I want to be when I grow up? What's my goal? Where's my dream ?I have no fucking idea.
Anyways this blogpost is dedicated to my couzins , for giving me an amazing childhood ,and adding colours to my life. Sorry if my bitchy-ness has ever made you want to stab me in the face or stuff your fist down my throat and shit , I am still grateful to have each and everyone of you in my life and I love you all ❤
Friday, December 13, 2013
Lonely sunrise
Hey my beautiful darlings,
So I'm back with another blogpost but yes looking at the blog tittle, this post is gonna be a little tiny bit of emotional so yea you've been warned.
Alright so ever since I was young, my sleeping time has been pretty screwd and I sleep way later than usual kids do I guess. But since the holidays have started,my sleeping time has gone from bad to worst. During EOY I had forced my body to be energized 24/7 so I could use my sleeping time to study and not waste any precious moment at all. But since then, my body has not been able to sleep well at night yet I sleep like a pig till around afternoon. So everyday it's the same for me, waking up at the afternoon and dying to sleep at night but fails. So what I'm doing at night? NOTHING, NO SHIT. I mean sometimes maybe a check through twitter, or an occasional youtube video,but other than that there's really nothing much. Im really tired of this daily routine. I hate it when I toss and turn in my bed many times and there's wild stuff going through my head. Everyday seems the same, I have lived the same day over and over again. Sitting on my bed, I witness sunrise every morning alone, and the more days past the lonelier and fucked up I feel. I want to give up, everything seems meaningless and miserable,there's no reason to continue.
Yea I don't know, thats how I feel I'm weird whatever. This is just a boring post and you probably don't give a fuck, alright bye.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Mummy's Birthday
Hey darlings!
So I'm back to update you guys about the celebration for my mummy's birthday, and it was honestly the best family outing/bonding ever lah ^^ Alright let's just cut to the chase and allow the pictures to do the talking
Well although it was her birthday, she did not apply leave. So the entire family bonding only started at night
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Hey guys
So yes as you have read from the tittle, this post is gonna be about my mummy ❤ why ? Because I realize I have always talk about bfs , friends and all in my blog but I have never honestly talk about the woman in my life? So yes this blogpost is specially dedicated to her ❤ so today 29/11/13 is her birthday which means her age adding another year and no Im not gonna say her age here, I mean DON'T YOU KNOW WOMAN'S AGE IS A SECRET!? hahaha but she gave birth to me when she's 28 so... you can do the maths hahaha �� anyway I have never been a good daughter and all and I have always been a disappointment in the family. Yet she always kept so strong despite how bad the situation gets . I know she cry in the toilet because she don't want me to see her tearing up. She always want the best for me and never expected anything in return and I know she deserve the best but I have never really been able to do it. I still remember the day she confronted to me about the scars on my arm ,Ohhh I know i had shattered her heart into a million pieces .I'm sorry Ma,for all my foolish acts don't worry because from now on I'm gonna be your guai nu er (good daughter) and be honest with you for everything . Well ofcourse we do quarrel I mean honestly which family don't? And I HATE it when she doesn't believe I mean till now she still don't trust me 100% but nah its ok ,I will let time prove my innocence. Through the good and bad times, she has always been there for me and I know I will never be able to repay her. But I am sure of one thing.If one day God put all the mothers in the world to stand before me in one straight line and ask me to choose who to be my mom, its her. I am indeed the luckiest child on earth and I'm grateful for this mum and I will love her for eternity, Ma saranghaeyo ❤
So I know its kinda a short post but hey its the thoughts that count ya? Anyway since tomorrow is her birthday, the family is going to celebrate it with a birthday dinner and movie ~ ps the last time I watched movie with fam was damn long ago, probably when I was around 6 so yez you can feel my excitement here ^^ will be updating you guys about the celebration tomorrow so please stay tune okie and with that
Sayonara ~
Thursday, November 21, 2013
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so starting off the day with the dudes eating breakfast |
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in da bus otw to da zoo look at that shitty Kyan face omg derp xD |
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Angry zi >:( |
and yay we got the tickets |
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The siblings ! Birthday Girl and Boy Tamilyn X Joven |
and this is my candid photo :P |
HAI HALLO i like so auntie omg |
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happy zi walking down the aisle |
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Do you know ? Pandas eat 20kg of bamboo a day , that's the weight of 100 bowls of rice ! hahaha im being lame sorry |
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T A D A D A A A |
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I look damn short wtf :( |
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That asshole acting like a kid |
look up |
JY: Don't take my pic |
hehe our ootd IGNORE MA FACE PLEASE |
Husband X Wife |
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Swaggerz |
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Jang imma panda |
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Do you like our cutie bag ? |
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Back home :) |
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don't we look cutie ? |
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bleah :P |
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the panda family hahaha |
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posted this on my twitter @swagblankeys |
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posted this on my instagram @n3w5p4p3r |